The film’s producers Iryna Kostyuk, Egor Olesov and Anna Eliseeva will present the in-development film’s teaser introducing the protagonists on June 15 at MIFA.
Animagrad and FILM.UA Group will gather major industry representatives to showcase the teaser for animated feature film Mavka. The Forest Song on June 15, 5:00 pm at the Ukrainian animation industry booth (4D.05) at MIFA. Mavka has a 2019 scheduled release.
The teaser will present the protagonist -- the keeper and heart of the forest -- Mavka and her funny friend and helper, Swampy. They invite the audience to their forest world and the secret clearing where the Magic Willow that Mavka protects grows.
The teaser will demonstrate a range of visual effects, including Mavka’s magic tattoos and the forest nymph’s outfit created by costume designer Olga Navrotskaya. Ukrainian musicians DakhaBrakha wrote the film’s main theme featured in the teaser.
The teaser premiere will be followed by a cocktail party with the film’s producers: Iryna Kostyuk, Egor Olesov and Anna Eliseeva. They will hand out authentic Ukrainian flower wreaths and temporary tattoos just like Mavka’s. Production house Signal Red created the augmented reality tattoos specially for the film’s Cartoon 360 pitch; with the help of a smartphone app, they come alive and transform into nature’s forces right on the screen.
Kostyuk will participate in the “Engaged & Emerging Filmmakers” roundtable discussion -- moderated by DreamWorks Animation President Bonnie Arnold and sponsored by Walt Disney Studios -- at the first Women in Animation World Summit, at Annecy International Animation Festival, June 12–16th.
The teaser will premiere in Ukraine at the Odessa International Film Festival summer film market. Mavka is a currently in development to be produced by Ukraine-based Animagrad (FILM.UA Group). The film is inspired by Lesya Ukrainka’ play of the same name, as well as various Ukrainian legends and cultural traditions. Mavka: The Forest Song is scheduled for a Ukraine release in 2019.
Source: FILM.UA Group