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I was surprised with this film, because I was a little disappointed with it. Woody Allen is a master of taking a plot concept and mining it for all its worth. His PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO is a brilliant example of this. Here, comedy playwright Sy (Wallace Shawn, THE PRINCESS BRIDE) and dramatic playwright Al (Neil Pepe, ANALYZE THIS) debate if life in inherently comedic or tragic. They are presented with a tale and both decide that it is comedic and tragic respectively. The rest of the film is their version of the tale of Melinda, who is played in both versions by Radha Mitchell (FINDING NEVERLAND).

In both versions, Melinda stumbles into a dinner party uninvited. In the drama, she is the friend of Laurel (Chloe Sevigny, BOYS DON’T CRY) and Lee (Jonny Lee Miller, HACKERS). Lee is a struggling actor who is having an affair with an acting student. At a party, Melinda meets a pianist named Ellis (Chiwetel Ejiofor, DIRTY PRETTY THINGS). Melinda’s life has been one tragedy after another and this is but another chapter. In the comedy, Melinda is the depressed next-door neighbor of filmmaker Susan (Amanda Peet, CHANGING LANES) and out-of-work actor Hobie (Will Ferrell, ANCHORMAN).


KING KONG (2005) (****)

I had total confidence that Peter Jackson would nail this film and I was right all the way. How he was able to create a film that both honors the original and builds upon it is staggering.

The first thing that I’d like to address is the over-exaggerated complaint that the film is too long. No one complained about length with LORD OF THE RINGS. Millions of people have bought extended editions of those films. Critics have planted the seed that the film is too long and audiences are either staying away because of it or are going in antsy to start off with. Jackson earned some filmmaking capital with the RINGS series and what we get with KONG is the extended edition right away. With FELLOWSHIP OF THE RINGS, Jackson had to cut a lot of the character moments, which hurt the film. The extended edition of that film turned the film from a three-and-a-half star film to a solid four-star affair. We get the whole deal with KONG on the big screen, which is where this film was meant to be seen.



Ang Lee has had a very diverse directing career. He has made films such as SENSE & SENSIBILITY, CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON and THE HULK. What all his films have in common is a great sense for the romantic. BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is no different.

The film has been labeled with the tag — the gay cowboy movie — however, it is much more than that. The film is an ode to loneliness, pent up anger and the fact that any love affair can be torn apart by the realities of life. Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger, THE BROTHERS GRIMM) is a quiet, lonely young man, who buries a lot of anger from his youth. He meets Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal, DONNIE DARKO) when they are assigned a job to watch over a flock of sheep out in the wilderness of Brokeback Mountain. Over time, Ennis opens up to Jack, maybe the first person he has ever felt comfortable with to do so, and they eventually fall in love.


THE WILD ONE (1953) (****)

For anyone into popular music, this is the film where the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club got its name. And what an iconic club it is.

Marlon Brando stars as the leader of the Black Rebels, Johnny Strabler. The gang of 40 or so ride into a small town for a motorcycle race where they are kicked out. In another small town, they race around causing trouble and making a spectacle of themselves. Sheriff Harry Bleeker (Robert Keith, WRITTEN ON THE WIND) tries his hardest to make peacemaker between the gang and the townspeople. Johnny takes a liking to the girl who works at the diner named Kathie (Mary Murphy, THE DESPERATE HOURS). However, when biker Chino (Lee Marvin, CHARADE) gets in an altercation with townsfolk, tensions start to bubble.


WHERE EAGLES DARE (1968) (***1/2)

This spy adventure is a thrilling example of the genre that overstays its welcome a bit with some needless action sequences then redeems itself with a smart ending that reminds us of the film’s previous highlights.

Set during WWII, British agents, led by Jonathan Smith (Richard Burton, WHO’S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOLFF?), are assigned a mission to infiltrate a Nazi stronghold and rescue a captured U.S. Army Brigadier General George Carnaby (Robert Beatty, 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY), who knows the plans for the Normandy invasion. Members of Smith’s crew are American lieutenant and top assassin Morris Schaffer (Clint Eastwood, FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE) and MI6 spy Mary Elison (Mary Ure, LOOK BACK IN ANGER). Complicating the mission is the fact that the Nazis have infiltrated MI6 and know about the mission.


TRUST (1991) (***1/2)

Trust me, this film has a pretty standard melodramatic plot, but presents it with a satirical twist that is off-putting and totally engaging. Maria Coughlin (Adrienne Shelly, THE UNBELIEVABLE TRUTH) is your typical early ‘90s high school student with her big hair and florescent clothing. She tells her parents that she is dropping out of school and that she’s pregnant.

Like I said it’s like a soap opera and it only gets more dramatic. As things develop, Maria ends up becoming a slave to her mother, Jean (Merritt Nelson, HENRY FOOL). Meanwhile, we meet Matthew Slaughter (Martin Donovan, SAVED!), a talented young engineer, who is slightly off and angry with the dishonesty and lack of depth of the modern world. He lives with his father Jim (John MacKay, KRUSH GROOVE), a gruff obsessive-compulsive, who is always on Matthew’s case. Soon Matthew and Maria meet, developing a strange bond.


SUDDENLY (1954) (***)

This quick thriller is a curious product of its day and age. The sleepy town of Suddenly, California is getting an unexpected visitor on the train — the President of United States. Sheriff Tod Shaw (Sterling Hayden, DR. STRANGELOVE) teams with chief secret service agent Dan Carney (Willis Bouchey, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF!) to secure the town for the President’s arrival.

Before this, we learn that Shaw has been courting the pretty widow Ellen Benson (Nancy Gates), who has a young son nicknamed Pidge (Kim Charney, HOW THE WEST WAS WON). Her husband died in WWII and she has a tough time dealing with Tod’s stance on guns and violence. Moreover, her father Pop (James Gleason, 1947’s THE BISHOP’S WIFE) is a former secret service man and lectures her on patriotism. Claiming to be an FBI agent, John Baron (Frank Sinatra, FROM HERE TO ETERNITY) shows up at the Benson home, taking the family hostage. He’s being paid to assassinate the President.



Clint Eastwood directs one of his all-time best films in this Western metaphor for the feelings Americans felt after the Vietnam War and Watergate scandal.

Josey Wales (Eastwood) is a Missouri farmer, whose family is brutally murdered by Union troupes during the Civil War. Wales joins a band of irregular rebels fighting against the Union and when the war is over refuses to take an oath of loyalty to the government. His feelings of resentment are well founded in that the oath is really a trap.

With injured young rebel Jamie (Sam Bottoms, THE LAST PICTURE SHOW) in tow, Josey goes on the run from bounty hunters and Union soldiers who want to hunt him down. Hot on his trail are Fletcher (John Vernon, ANIMAL HOUSE), a former rebel who sold out his fellow rebels, and Terrill (Bill McKinney, THE GREEN MILE), the murderous Union soldier who killed Josey’s family. Along the way, Josey picks up a group of tagalongs, which includes wise old Indian Lone Watie (Chief Dan George, HARRY AND TONTO), fiery Indian squaw Little Moonlight (Geraldine Keams), straight-talkin’, no-nonsense Kansas farmer Grandma Sarah (Paula Trueman, MOONSTRUCK) and Sarah’s slow, but beautiful granddaughter Laura Lee (Sondra Locke, EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE) among others.

Festival Events

Taiwan International Children's TV & Film Festival (TICTFF) 2006

By Guest (not verified) | Friday, January 13, 2006 at 11:00am
Begins: January 13, 2006

Taiwan International Children's TV & Film Festival (TICTFF) is Asia's first-ever International Children's TV & Film Festival. The festival will feature screenings, seminars and workshops, in addition to awards for dramatic feature, documentary, animation and television program. Winners will receive up to $27,000. The festival

Animation Events

3D Training Institute

By Guest (not verified) | Friday, January 13, 2006 at 11:00am
Begins: January 13, 2006

3D Training Institute (3DTi) and the Enterprise Center at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) will host a free seminar on 3D animation from 6:00 to 9:00 pm, on the FIT Campus in the John E. Reeves Great Hall located on Seventh Avenue at 28th Street in Manhattan. Attendance is open to animation students with demo reels seeking careers in the burgeoning animation industry.

Headline News

Napoleon Dynamite Star & Brothers To Develop Toons

As part of an overall first-look deal, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE Jon Heder, identical twin Dan and older brother Doug will develop animated properties for Universal Pictures, reports VARIETY. The Heder brothers shingle will be called Greasy Ent. and besides animated project will develop starring vehicles for Jon Heder.

Media Headline News

BKN Opens A Spanish Office in Barcelona

BKN International AG has opened a subsidiary in Barcelona named BKN Kids New Media SL, headed by md Laura Tapias, to handle its activities in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Latin America.

Tapias joined BKN New Media Ltd. UK in 2004 as vp, sales & marketing, for Spanish, Portuguese and Italian speaking territories. Tapias, with a decade of international sales and marketing experience in the entertainment industry, previously served with leading Spanish TV producers and distributors.

Education Headline News

Jeremy McCarron New Academic Director for Art Institute of Vancouver

Animator/artist Jeremy McCarron joins The Art Institute of Vancouver as academic director of Animation Art & Design. McCarron brings more than a decade of production experience as an animator, cg supervisor, art director and animation director to the school.

Interactive Headline News

NBC Adds Interactivity To Golden Globe Awards Telecast Jan. 16

Film and television fans will be able to make their opinions known and test their trivia skills during this year's telecast of the 63rd Annual Golden Globe Awards Monday, Jan. 16, 2006, 8-11:00 pm (ET) on NBC. For the first time the show will feature an engaging online interactive television (ITV) experience on, which can also be accessed at

Dreamworks Headline News

SCI FI Greenlights 12-Hour Spielberg Miniseries Event

SCI FI Channel will team again with Steven Spielberg, screenwriter Les Bohem and DreamWorks Television, for the ambitious 12-hour miniseries event NINE LIVES, it was announced Jan. 12, 2006, at the Television Critics Press Tour. The group's last collaboration was 2003's groundbreaking, Emmy Award-winning 20-hour miniseries, Steven Spielberg Presents TAKEN. NINE LIVES is slated to air in 2007.

Series Headline News

SCI FI Unveils '06 Production & Development Slate

SCI FI Channel unveiled its production and development slate for the new year at the Television Critics Press Tour (Jan. 12, 2006) that includes both scripted and reality projects with top Hollywood talent and production companies.

Series Headline News

Kids in the Hall Character Gets Animated for Gay Net

Here!, the U.S.s first gay television network, has added to its lineup the adult animated series, BUDDY'S, which is based on Scott Thompson's KIDS IN THE HALL gay bar owner character, Buddy Cole.

This new series, which aims to explore the limits of tolerance, the meaning of maturity and the importance of having the last word. The series kicks off as Buddy comes under the watchful eye of a bullying "family values" city councilman. To complicate his life even further, he suddenly finds himself a parent when his orphaned niece arrives on his doorstep.

Headline News

HiTech Creations Flies WWII Skies In Combat Tour

Developer HiTech Creations has released the new expansion to ACES HIGH II, titled COMBAT TOUR. The expansion breaks new ground in online gaming by combining intense air combat simulation and military role-playing in a completely mission-based team format. COMBAT TOUR is in closed testing and release is planned for the first half of 2006.
