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Category: Writing

Screenwriting Blogs

The First 10 Pages: How to Hook the Audience

Ever get a big fish on the line only to have it get away before you could pull it into the boat? You probably didn’t set the hook. Rule #1 in fishing: set the hook. The same is true in screenwriting, only you’re not trying to hook a fish, you’re trying to hook the audience. You don’t need a fishing rod, you need ten great pages.

Headline News

Apply Now For EAMprofessional's “The Next Step of Script Development, Pitching & Branding”

EAMprofessional – The European Training Programme for Animation Professionals – will be continued after the successful premiere last year.

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 24

Few FFAF episodes have challenged the potent potential of what a jam-packed powder-keg of animation multilarities can elicit in the burgeoning minds of those seeking more lore and eternal wisdom of this frame-by-frame La Bamba than number 24. This show is huge. Ron Diamond + Dan Sarto = how to invent and maintain an international animation archive and animation short distribution empire while enjoying the best of Scotch and olive canning. The Animation Room + The Animation Room = how to create an animation studio boyband right out of college. And finally, Billy + Bill + William Frenzer = how to develop treasured American comedy songs into animated music videos that change the course of human history. Perfection, sometimes, does not take time.

Dark Headline News

Dodgeball Writer/Director to Adapt Umbrella Academy Comic

Universal Pictures has tapped Rawson Thurber (DODGEBALL) to pen a new draft of its adaptation of the award-winning Dark Horse comic THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY, reports
