The British Film Office has appointed visual effects veteran Meg Guidon as their visual effects marketing executive. The newly created position was created to increase the visibility of U.K. F/X houses with U.S. production companies. The hope is to bring more high-profile work to the U.K. like MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2 and GLADIATOR, both of which were done in London. Guidon will be based out of the British Film Office at the Consulate General in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Previously Guidon worked at some of the UK's leading visual effects firms including Cinesite and Mill Film. "We have always had a fantastic reputation for effects expertise, but are presently under-used by the major U.S. studios because of low visibility, and a pre-conceived notion regarding the scale of projects we can handle in the U.K.," said Guidon. The post is sponsored by the government's Department of Trade and Industry, the British Film Commission and a group of British-based visual effects houses called the VFX Group, which includes Artem, BBC Resources, the Film Factory, Framestore, Men In White Coats, the Moving Picture Company and Soho Images. "This is a great example of individual companies within the industry coming together to grow the industry as a whole," said Mike Kelt, VFX Group chairman.
Learn more about the stunning work coming out of the U.K. by reading about Framestores animated beasts in Animation World Networks WALKING WITH DINOSAURS article.