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Digital Musings From the Editor:

Even though SIGGRAPH 2005 has come and gone, the VFXWORLD focus remains this month on new technology. Alias Maya 7 started shipping, so later in the week Fred Galpern explores the latest features. This newest Maya capitalizes on the Alias MotionBuilder full-body IK technology and makes animating characters faster, easier and more accurate. Plus there is new polygonal modeling and some new vfx tools, too, including a new Toon Shader and advanced render layering technology.

Meanwhile, Peter Plantec will soon explore the latest advances in computational fluid dynamics, putting the spotlight on Ron Fedkiw of Stanford University and ILM consultant (who received the Significant New Researcher Award at SIGGRAPH 2005), and the highly respected Stephan Trojansky of CA Scanline Production GmbH.

Bill DesowitzEditor

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
