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Quiet Man Slam Dunks with Adidas and Foot Locker

Its a scramble for maximum hang time as visual effects and animation company Quiet Man recently completed CUBED, a :15 spot for Adidas and distributor Foot Locker. The commercial began airing Aug. 17.

We really achieved the look we wanted in this project, something sleek and sophisticated but still conveying that the shoes are available and accessible to everyone, said Amy Taylor, exec director of Quiet Man.

CUBED opens with the skeletal contours of an A, Adidas new sneaker, against a solid white background. As the camera pulls back to give the viewer a full look of the sole, the outline is immediately encased within a clear cube highlighted with iridescent hues. Inside its clear cocoon, the sneaker metamorphoses into the full-on Adidas footwear. The newly emerged shoe falls to the ground, which then transforms into a basketball court.

Joined by its right-footed partner, the two move down the court guided by an invisible force. CUBED ends with a monstrous dunk that shatters the backboard. The glass pieces rain down as the A is tucked away inside the familiar Foot Locker bag.

The animated piece contrasts empty spaces with detailed visuals providing a dramatic transition between scenes. Playing heavily with movement, the spot is infused with the intense fast-paced feel of a basketball game.

Technology tools: Softimage, Adobe Photoshop and Inferno.

New York-based Quiet Man ( is known for the high level of aesthetic and technical finesse they bring to its seamless vfx work. Founded by Johnnie Semerad and Taylor, the award-winning company has created some of the most memorable spots with Joe Pytka for clients such as HBO, Fox, Pepsi and GE.

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Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.