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Animation Survey

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Animation Survey


Welcome, and thank you for your participation in the
Animation Survey!
Your input will have a direct impact on the services.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you for your time and expertise.

Questions :

1. What is your profession?

2. What is your passion? (Write as much as you need in order to answer the question fully.)

3. How long have you been interested in animation (any form)?

4. Who were your role models growing up?

5. Which animator do you admire today?

6. Do you feel animators are appropriately acknowledged for the work they do? In other words, do the awards ceremonies properly commend the animators for what they do to Contribute to the project?

7. What are your top three favourite animated television shows?

8. What are your top three favourite animated feature films?

9. If I could write an article/blog about any topic having to do with the animation industry, what topic would that be?

10. What burning questions do you feel have not been answered by me in any of the articles/blog you have read up to this point?