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Digital animation techniques

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Digital animation techniques

Hello everyone,

This is more of a general question on the use of digital colouring/compositing when producing 2D animation.

I am currently working on a short animation piece, trying to figure out an appropriate style and technique to fit the script. Most of my previous experiments have been limited to a more traditional pencil/watercolour style and I'd like to try a digital approach this time around.
Animation titles like Tokyo Godfathers and Blood: The Last Vampire and Peter Chung's animations both use quite an impressive digital colouring/compositing technique which I find very difficult to get my head around.
I know for some animation projects (Voice of a Distant Star) all backgrounds were created from photo references, scanned in and coloured digitally then manipulated and composited in after effects but the actual technique is still a mystery.
Can anyone point out in the right direction?

thanks in advance

i think the question is more about how one can animate digitally withou havin to go traditional

Thanks for posting your replies people.

What I am after is the actual technique, production stages and programs used in projects with simiral style to Animatrix.
Peter Chung's Chicken Burger ad spots spring to mind as an obvious example as well. The technique he uses is hand-drawn animation over painted backgrounds, which are colored and composited digitally to achieve a look similar to traditional cel animation. I'm looking for a book or some sort of insight into the production steps taken to achieve that sort of style.

thanks again