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MONSTERS INC. (2001) (***1/2)

Pixar hasn't made a bad film yet (TOY STORY & A BUG'S LIFE). In my opinion MONSTERS INC. isn't as good as the TOY STORYs, but isn't too far behind. Directors Pete Docter, David Silverman and Lee Unkrich have taken the common childhood fear of monsters in the closet and created a wonderful world around the idea.

The story follows the life of Monsteropolis, where all the things that go bump in the night live. The monsters sneak into the human world through children's closets to collect kids' screams, the source of power in their world. Sulley (John Goodman, TV's ROSEANNE) is the top scarer, but his world goes haywire when he discovers a little human girl named Boo has wandered into the monster world after him. The monsters believe that the children will contaminate their land. So along with his best friend Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal, CITY SLICKERS) they try to keep the little one from Sulley's rival Randall Boggs (Steve Buscemi, DESPERADO), who would love nothing more than to humiliate the top scarer.


SHREK (2001) (****)

The 3-D films coming out of Pixar and PDI/DreamWorks are so good that it makes other films look like they're just radio programs. The animation is breathtaking. At moments, you'd think they used puppets. This film works wonderfully as an irreverent satire of fairy tales and Disney's corporate rendering of those tales. Smaller kids won't get all the in-jokes, but adults will be in stitches. It takes every Disney cliché and smashes it.

The film follows the adventures of an ogre named Shrek (Mike Myers, AUSTEN POWERS), who makes a deal with the diminutive Prince Farquaad (John Lithgow, TV's 3RD ROCK FROM THE SUN) to rescue Princess Fiona (Cameron Diaz, THE MASK) in return for regaining his swamp back from the rest of the fairy tale creatures, who have been kicked out of the kingdom of Far Far Away. Along the way, Shrek will meet up with the very talkative Donkey (Eddie Murphy, MULAN), who has the exact opposite personality as the sarcastic and grumpy ogre. However, when Shrek shows up to rescue the princess trapped in the tower, she is less than impressed by her not-quite dashing savior.


CUJO (1983) (***1/2)

I saw this when I was a kid and just re-watched it. It's just as scary as I remember. It's a slow build, but it's totally worth the wait. The moments with the dog are terrifying. The main reason the film works is that anyone can relate to the situation. Everyone has had a mean looking, giant dog bark at them in an angry way. Take that situation and turn it up a million degrees and you get this film.

Donna Trenton (Dee Wallace, E.T.) has moved to a small town in Maine with her husband Vic (Daniel Hugh Kelly, TV's RYAN'S HOPE) and young son Tad (Danny Pintauro, TV's WHO'S THE BOSS?). She dreads her new situation, fearing that her life will be painfully boring. Tad has fears of the bogeyman lurking in his closet. While Vic is away on a business trip, Donna takes her Ford Pinto to the farm of Joe Camber (Ed Lauter, SEABISCUIT) for repairs. However, Joe has already been killed by his rabid dog Cujo. Now Donna and Tad find themselves under siege over a sweltering three-day period trapped in their now inoperable car without food and water.



This film has been out for awhile and I've seen it three times already, but after re-watching it again I wanted to make sure that everyone knows how much I love this film. Films this good and original don't come along that often. The term cult film best suits this unusual genre tale of rap and the way of the samurai. Oh, and don't forget the Italian mob.

The film follows Ghost Dog (Forest Whitaker, THE CRYING GAME), a hit man, who lives by the ancient code of the samurai. As a teen, the gangster Louie (John Tormey, GAME 6) saved Ghost Dog from some thugs and the African American man has vowed his life to the Italian American mobster. Ghost Dog's best friend, Raymond (Isaach DeBankole, CASINO ROYALE) is an ice cream man, who only speaks French and Ghost Dog only speaks English. The kind-eyed assassin develops a sweet friendship with a young girl named Pearline (Camille Winbush, TV's THE BERNIE MAC SHOW). Ghost Dog is cool, calculated and ingenious when he's doing his work. But he believes in his code of honor to the end, whether it will lead to his death or not.


BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S (1961) (***1/2)

If romantic comedies were more like this one, I'd have to re-think my general opinion of the genre. Director Blake Edwards, working from George Axelrod's Oscar-nominated adaptation of Truman Capote's novel, is witty and nuanced. Led by an effervescent performance from Audrey Hepburn, the film is light as air and still has meat on its bones.

The story follows the eccentric New York playgirl Holly Golightly (Audrey Hepburn, SABRINA) as she sets her sights on marrying a millionaire. She has Brazilian Jose da Silva Pereira (Jose Luis de Villalonga, DARLING) and American Rusty Trawler (Stanley Adams, TV's THE TWILIGHT ZONE) on short leashes, while she's getting paid $100 an hour to visit Sing Sing and talk to gangster Sally Tomato (Alan Reed, TV's THE FLINTSTONES). George Peppard (A-TEAM leader Hannibal Smith) plays Holly's new next-door neighbor, Paul Varjak, a writer who's being "sponsored" by a wealthy older woman named Mrs. Failenson (Patricia Neal, THE SUBJECT WAS ROSES), who is referred to throughout the film as 2-E.


THE TERRORIST (2000) (****)

Here's another film that you'll probably have to search out to find, but it's worth the hunt. It's from India (which is the main reason it's hard to find) and follows the journey of a pretty young girl, who has been chosen to be a human bomb to assassinate a VIP. Made prior to September 11th, the film has only increased in importance as a window into the mind of someone who is willing to kill themselves in an effort to murder others. Though inspired by the assassination of the Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 by Tamil Tigers, there is no country, religion or political preference mentioned in the film, which makes the story very universal. Reminding us that terrorism is an act not solely used by Muslim extremists.


FROM HELL (2001) (***1/2)

FROM HELL, based on a graphic novel (i.e. a big fancy name for a big fancy comic book), follows London investigator Frederick Abberline (Johnny Depp, EDWARD SCISSORHANDS) as he tracks down Jack the Ripper. The plot is pretty much a standard thriller, but the direction and style make it something that I loved. The mood and look reminded me of Tim Burton's SLEEPY HOLLOW, which was another standard thriller that rose above its script because of its performances and design.

This flick was directed by the Hughes Brothers (MENACE II SOCIETY, DEAD PRESIDENTS) with the passion of two guys who have read every little fact and theory about Jack the Ripper. My favorite part of the film is its desire to be detailed about its era. It weaves in all the seedy and current events of 1888 England, including Buffalo Bill's Wild West Shows and John Merrick, the Elephant Man. The story also mixes "real life" characters and theories with literary influences — Abberline and Godley aren't far off from Holmes and Watson.


BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY (2001) (***1/2)

Helen Fielding adapts her own novel, which was inspired by Jane Austen's PRIDE & PREJUDICE. I guess in some way all love stories since Jane Austen have been influenced by Jane Austen. Some fans of Fielding's book grumbled when hot American starlet Renee Zellweger was cast in the very British role. But she truly makes the character her own. She becomes Bridget Jones and we love her for it.

Zellweger plays the chucky British gal, who is desperately looking for Mr. Right, with pluck and no shame. Bridget makes a New Year's resolution that she will get her life into order through moderation. Less smoking, less drinking, less eating, more snogging. Zellweger is wonderfully backed up by Hugh Grant and Colin Firth. Grant plays her dashing co-worker Daniel Cleaver, who we know from the start is a cad; but it's Hugh Grant so he's too charming to ignore. Bridget meets Firth's Mark Darcy at a Christmas party, one in which he so desperately wants to leave. He seems like a boring snob, so we know Bridget is destined to be with him, because you shouldn't judge a book by its hideous Christmas sweater, and if you know Austen then you know his last name is a clue.



Considered by many as a comedy classic, I found it a bit dated. Film buffs might just want to check it out because of its place in history and others might just want to watch it for Veronica Lake. This slapstick film follows a movie director who is tired of making comedies and wants to make a social message film (which were very popular in the 1930s when this film was made). Due to his privileged life, he decides to head out into the world with 10 cents in his pocket to find trouble. However, the studio determines he's too valuable and sends a busload of people out after him to make sure that he doesn't get himself killed. His adventures often lead back to Hollywood and at the moment when he decides to give up is when he really learns about hardship. It is considered the film that justifies the existence of slapstick in general; making the point that laughter is all that some people have. If you like films with witty banter and people falling down a lot then this is a film for you.


MEMENTO (2000) (***1/2)

This is a film for fans of unpredictable films like THE USUAL SUSPECTS and SIXTH SENSE. The most interesting thing about the film is that it runs backwards. You see the end of the film first and then it jumps back fifteen minutes runs forward then jumps back in time before the moment you just watched. This isn't just an exercise in style, but also fits the plot brilliantly.

The film follows Leonard (Guy Pearce, L.A. CONFIDENTIAL), who has lost the ability to make new memories. He can't remember what happened 15 minutes prior. However, every memory before his wife was killed and he was hit in the head is still there. He races around trying to find the man who killed his wife. If he doesn't write things down (or tattoo them to his body), he will forget them soon after, even friends Natalie (Carrie-Anne Moss, THE MATRIX) and Teddy (Joe Pantoliano, BOUND). But when you can't remember who these people are, can you really trust them?



This is a film for fans of director Kevin Smith. Taking the lowbrow MALLRATS approach, Smith crafts one big in-joke for film geeks. He spoofs his own movies as well as Hollywood in general. It's part road movie, part stoner flick, part action movie, and all comedy. How much you laugh really depends on you.

The film follows the adventures of Smith's dimwitted team of Jay and Silent Bob, played by Jason Mewes and Smith, respectively. Jason Lee's Banky Edwards from Smith's CHASING AMY shows up to tell the hetero life partners that the comic book he created based on them is being turned into a movie. So the twosome race across the country in an attempt to stop Miramax from making the film based on their comic book alter egos, Bluntman and Chronic. Their trip is a meandering one where they partner with four hot female animal rights activists into a monkey-kidnapping attempt. Justice (Shannon Elizabeth, AMERICAN PIE) has a soft spot for the duo, but her partners Sissy (Eliza Dushku, BRING IT ON), Chrissy (Ali Larter, LEGALLY BLONDE), and Missy (Jennifer Schwalbach aka Mrs. Kevin Smith) just want to play Jay and Bob for bigger idiots than they are.
