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VIEW Conference Makes Call for Entries

The VIEW Conference announces new competitions and deadlines for 2012.

Turin, Italy -- VIEW Conference, the premier international event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 3D Animation, Gaming and VFX, has announced several new competitions for 2012:

VIEW SOCIAL CONTEST -- First Prize: 1500€ VIEW Conference launches a new contest to celebrate the creative power of technology at the service of society. Movies, short films, music videos or advertising using 2D/3D animation and/or VFX focusing on current social themes are eligible for submission. Deadline: September 15

VIEW AWARD -- First Prize: 2000€ World Wide Short Competition Using 2D/3D Animation and VFX; Animated short with 2D/3D animation and VFX /videogames Deadline: September 15

ITALIANMIX Inspiring works about Italy or Italian subjects by Italian or foreign filmmakers Deadline: September 15

GRIMM ANIMATED -- First Prize: 1500€

In Partnership with the Goethe-Institut Turin, VIEW launches a contest for animated short films to mark the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Children and Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm. Animated short films under five minutes that innovatively explore Grimm’s classics are eligible for submission. Deadline: August 24


VIEW Conference will take place in Turin, Italy, October 16-19, 2012. VIEWFest will be held October 19-21, 2012. For more info about the contests and conference, visit the official VIEW Conference website:

Source: VIEW Conference

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.
