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Animated individuals

By johnboy | Saturday, April 2, 2005 at 3:34am


bluehickey's picture
Submitted by bluehickey on

From my own experience I would have to say "yes" animators can definitely use the internet as a source to gain exposure. I put up my Star Wars Spoofs site 3 years ago and it gave me a ton of exposure and many interested companies found me and offered me freelance work. One of them, American has been a great relationship, animating an ecard for them each month of almost 2 years now.
I put up an entry on Atomfilms last year in the Star Wars competition and won an award. And this year, I submitted another entry that is currently up, and it has been show on NBC's "Today Show" and I have also been interviewed by Newsday Newspaper as well.
I think there is a ton to gain from putting your work on the internet and that only good things can come from it, and that it's a wise decision!