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Society of Motion Picture Character Designers Launched

Cinerouge, The Honorary Society of Motion Picture Character Designers, has launched. Each year the organization will give an award a deserving living and deceased artist based on their career body of work.

The first award will be given to Ray Harryhausen after a special screening of THE SCI FI BOYS at Universal Studios Hitchcock Theater on April 30, 2006, at 7:00 pm. An invitation is necessary for entrance.

Following Harryhausen on April 30, future recipients of Cinerouge honors may include Jack Pierce, Jack Dawn, Willis O'Brien, Walt Disney, Tex Avery, Chuck Jones, Rick Baker, John Chambers, Dick Smith, Stan Winston, H.R. Giger, Phil Tippett, Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and others.

The Cinerouge team includes:* Scott Essman Publicity* Deverill Weekes Videography* Gil Frazee Photography* Brent Armstrong Sculptor* Stephan Lokotsch DVD Advisor* Paul Davids Board of Advisors* Rob Burman Board of Advisors* Steve Austin Board of Advisors

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks