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Simpsons Fifth Season on DVD

THE SIMPSONS -- THE COMPLETE FIFTH SEASON came to DVD this week just in time for Christmas (Fox Home Ent., $49.98). The four-disc set includes all 22 episodes from '93 (when the series was firmly established as a cultural icon) along with the usual stellar commentaries and other mandatory extras: "Homer's Barbershop Quartet," "Cape Feare," "Homer Goes to College," "Rosebud," "Treehouse of Horror IV," "Marge on the Lam," "Bart's Inner Child," "Boy-Scoutz N the Hood," "The Last Temptation of Homer," "Springfield," "Homer the Vigilante," "Bart Gets Famous," "Homer and Apu," "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacey," "Deep Space Homer," "Homer Loves Flanders," "Bart Gets an Elephant," "Burns' Heir," "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Badasssss Song," "The Boy Who Knew Too Much," "Lady Bouvier's Lover" and "Secrets of a Successful Marriage."

Who will ever forget the late George Harrison in the Beatles parody "Homer's Barbershop Quartet," Mr. Burns' obsession with his teddy bear in "Rosebud," the outer space antics of "Deep Space Homer" or "Cape Feare" with Sideshow Bob and guest appearance by Kelsey Grammer?

Bonus features include:

* Commentary on all episodes, including Matt Groening, David Mirkin, James L. Brooks, and Conan O'Brien* Animation showcase* Audio intro with Matt Groening and montage* Commercials* Deleted scenes* Animatics* Illustrated commentaries* Audio outtake* Original sketches* A look back with James L. Brooks

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.