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Rushes Soho Shorts Calls for Entries

Rushes Soho Shorts 2006 Piccadilly, U.K. July 29 August 4, 2006Deadline: May 5, 2006

Rushes Soho Shorts Festival showcases the work of some of the U.K.s most talented young filmmakers. Awards for the best director in each category will be presented on August 3, at the star studded Festival Awards night held at one of Londons hottest venues, The CC Club in Piccadilly.

This years spokesperson is one of Britains best-loved actors, Bill Nighy, whose credits include THE CONSTANT GARDENER, ENDURING LOVE and most notably his hilarious performance as the un-cool-aging-rocker-Dad in LOVE ACTUALLY. This will be the second time Nighy, well known for his enthusiastic support of short film, has been a spokesperson for the festival.

Also lending his support for the first time this year as a festival judge is British actor David Morrissey, soon to be seen cavorting with Sharon Stone in BASIC INSTINCT 2. Other new judges joining the ranks alongside TIME OUTs film critic Dave Calhoun and the OBSERVERs Jason Solomons, include Dave Waters, creative director/founder of acclaimed advertising agency DFGW and Maggie Ellis from the UK Film Council.

The Vue Cinema in Leicester Square will continue to be the delegate center and main venue in the West End. Vue Cinemas will also host regional screenings in Shepherds Bush, Edinburgh, Birmingham, Cambridge and Leeds. Other screenings planned for the festival schedule include Straight 8, APA, Futureshorts and Shorts International. The BBC Film Network will also feature a selection of the festivals best films from the last seven years on their website.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks