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Digital Musings From the Editor:

VFXWORLD puts the spotlight on TV in September, and we begin this week with Tara DiLullos informative look at how Gerry Andersons THE NEW CAPTAIN SCARLET (now in its second season in the U.K.) has made the CG transition with the help of Vicons leading edge MoCap system.

VFXWORLD puts the spotlight on TV in September, and we begin this week with Tara DiLullos informative look at how Gerry Andersons THE NEW CAPTAIN SCARLET (now in its second season in the U.K.) has made the CG transition with the help of Vicons leading edge MoCap system.

Meanwhile, XSI expert Ed Harriss will report how SOFTIMAGE|XSI 5.0 steps up next-gen game development with such new features as Ultimapper (a superior map generation tool) and Gator (which merges fully textured and animated 3D models).

Bill DesowitzEditor

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Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.