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Digital Musings From the Editor:

As great as ILM's work was on TRANSFORMERS (which should've won the Oscar), it's even better on REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, which you can read all about this week in my coverage.

As great as ILM's work was on TRANSFORMERS (which should've won the Oscar), it's even better on REVENGE OF THE FALLEN, which you can read all about this week in my coverage. In addition, Digital Domain created new supporting characters (127 shots overall), including Wheelie, who provides comic relief; a visually intriguing character DD dubbed “Reed Man"; Soundwave, a satellite-infiltrating Bot in the big, bad Decepticon tradition; eight frenetic Kitchenbots; and Alice, AKA The Pretender, who transforms from a sexy coed to a vicious robot. You can read about DD's work exclusively in our news coverage. Plus, Tara Bennett recently visited the set of M. Night Shyamalan's THE LAST AIRBENDER in Philadelphia and gives us a sneak peek of his first big CG feature in collaboration with ILM.

Have a happy Fourth of July!

Bill DesowitzEditor

Bill Desowitz's picture

Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
