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Dark Horse Rides with Incredible Comics

At Comic-Con, Dark Horse Comics announced that it will publish a four-issue comic book adaptation of the Pixar film THE INCREDIBLES. Dark Horse's adaptation will feature art by Ricardo Curtis, one of the storyboard artists on the film.

In addition, Dark Horse announced a new manga series, Katsuya Terada's THE MONKEY KING, a manga adaptation of the popular Chinese legend. It will feature the toughest monkey in the East, who is on a mission to retrieve the legendary scrolls of Buddha. The first volume will hit stores in March 2005.

Moreover, movie director John Landis -- who is working on an adaptation of GONE, a story by Mike Richardson from the Dark Horse Book of Haunting -- is also writing an untitled comicbook series about a James Dean-like teenage vampire, which Dark Horse will publish in 2005.

In November, Dark Horse will publish its first JINGLE BELL book, which BATMAN THE ANIMATED SERIES' Paul Dini brought to the company from Oni. Dini will write and Jose Garibaldi will illustrate.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
