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Wevr Transport Makes Waves with Premium Subscription Offerings

Premium subscription tier within VR platform Transport spearheaded by the release of Tyler Hurd’s new virtual reality experience, ‘Old Friend.’ 

Tyler Hurd’s ‘Old Friend’

Earlier this week, Wevr released a premium subscription tier within VR platform Transport spearheaded by the release of virtual reality experience Old Friend by Tyler Hurd.

There are two tiers of pricing -- For $20/year users can have access to room scale and mobile experiences, and for $8/year users can have access to mobile experiences. This is all in addition to the free content already available on Transport.

The initial premium subscription includes following experiences:

Transport’s premium subscription is available today for the Vive and GearVR and will work on Google Daydream, Oculus Rift and PlayStation VR in the future.

With the new premium tier, Wevr is embracing the VR creative community and helping establish a sustainable business model for that community to continue to evolve and flourish for years to come.

Tyler Hurd’s ‘Old Friend’

Deepak Chopra’s ‘Finding Your True Self.’



Source: Wevr

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Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.