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Launch of Esperient Creator 3.7 and Esperient Creator Enterprise

Esperient Corporation, a pioneering developer of 3D authoring tools for interactive 3D visual computing applications, has released Esperient Creator 3.7 and Esperient Creator Enterprise. Coming six months after the release of Creator 3.5, this latest release contains dozens of improvements and new features, most of which are designed to make the software easier to use and faster to run. Principal new features include:

-- Smart Objects. Dozens of new drag & drop re-usable components have been added including Smart Objects for Navigation, Cameras, Lights, UI Elements, Game Content, Material Changers, Sketch shaders, Locators and boat controllers among many others.

-- Glass Shaders. Now include colored and translucent shadows through glass, drag & drop handling of real time reflections and refractions, and cubemap refraction calculations.

-- Unified most popular shaders. Rather than having separate shaders for all feature variations, features such as bump-mapping can be turned on or off as needed.

-- Many new API functions and Scene variables.

-- All new editor transformations. This allows the movement of huge objects (million plus polygons) within the editor without delays.

-- Launch of Esperient Creator Enterprise which includes all of the new functions added to version 3.7 plus support for Motion tracking, Stereo Displays, Networking and Sockets.

Version 3.7 is available for download at: