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Animation Disc

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Animation Disc

Hey guys, I smiply cannot find any traditional animation disc's in Australia any ideas on where to buy one and/ or ideas on how to make one?

You may be able to find

You may be able to find traditional animation discs for sale on online retailers such as Amazon or eBay. Be sure to check the seller's location and shipping information to ensure they can deliver to Australia.


Traditional animation discs,

Traditional animation discs, also known as animation pegbars, can be difficult to find in some areas. However, there are a few options you can try:

    Check online retailers: You may be able to find animation discs on online marketplaces such as Amazon or eBay. Be sure to check the shipping details and make sure the seller ships to Australia.

    Check local art supply stores: While traditional animation is not as popular as it once was, some art supply stores may still carry animation discs or pegbars. Try calling around to local stores to see if they have any in stock.

    Make your own: If you're unable to find an animation disc to purchase, you can try making your own. There are several tutorials available online that provide instructions for creating your own animation pegbar using materials such as foam core or cardboard. This option may require more effort, but it can be a cost-effective solution.

Best of luck with your search!

wow, I just think that we can

wow, I just think that we can find it in the dvd store or something like that but Alex has shown me a new angle

cookie clicker

Actually you can buy by

Actually you can buy by 'Order' form. I see many individuals or businesses that receive such orders. There are also many sets of animated discs that have been discontinued, so you should buy them through someone who lives in the place you want to buy the animation.

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