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Free webinar – Know What To Expect in a TV Pitch

Tuesday, August 3rd

9pm EST/ 6pm PST

Hosted by Mark & Jeanne Simon


If knowledge is power, then knowing what happens in a TV pitch meeting will empower you to get what you want - your show on TV.

In this 1 hour webinar, we'll cover:

·         The pitch technique we use to draw execs into the concept

·         The flow of a pitch meeting

·         3 sure-fire ways to build a bridge between you and the pitch catchers

·         When to hand them your treatment or show your sizzle reel

·         The #1 question YOU must ask an executive 

·         plus much more

We will also give away a free 2 year subscription to our TV Pitch Tips Audio Postcards. A $230 value.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 - 9:00am to 10:00am