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Hi! I'm new to the AWN forums, so I thought I'd introduce myself.

I am a recent animation grad looking to break into feature animation at some point in the future, whether that's tomorrow or a few years down the road after aquiring more of that coveted "experience" everyone is looking for. ;) I am currently in the "actively searching" job category.

I would describe myself as someone who loves animating things and spends way too much time in front of a computer screen. I also love DVDs, film in general, and playing video games.

I have examples of my stuff posted in the Show & Tell forum, but if you want to check them out, just follow this linkto my online portfolio.

alto1_MO's picture
Nathanael Fuller ---- Online Portfolio: Demo Reel:

Nathanael Fuller
Online Portfolio:
Demo Reel:

Hi Alto1 welcome to AWN. Hope the job thing works out for you. But with computers even if you have to take something outside of your main interest, you can always work on pieces on your own and maybe discovered as an independent.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.


Hi alto1_MO,

Welcome to the forum!



ALTOOOOOOOOOOOOO mi amigo (or mi amiga?)
I am an amiga(in case u were wondering)
you know a bit about me since you read my "i'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack" thread, lol
It's nice to know a bit about u now:) hehe.
Don't worry, if u got the guts and the talent(which is something you always have to work on and repolish) you'll get a job, and another one and another one , :D
take care now,
bye bye then:D

ALTOOOOOOOOOOOOO mi amigo (or mi amiga?)

I would be an amigo. :)

Nathanael Fuller
Online Portfolio:
Demo Reel:

Ola Amigo!

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

Alto....I'm an "Amigo" in seeing is how I'm as confused as the others to your gendre...although there's nothing wrong with that. but I digress...

Yeah, I saw your stuff...just out of school eh? Well, if that's the case my friend, you have a very promising future ahead of you.

I learned something about 3D, and hyper-realistic human movement, and something that you might find interesting...if you have a second, send me a private message...I'll let you in on my secret.

Later chica o se!


Okay, I just sent you a PM. I'm curious as to what is so interesting about your "secret". :)

Nathanael Fuller
Online Portfolio:
Demo Reel:


hey amigo:)
sorry it took so late to reply

You previously posted:
"I would describe myself as someone who loves animating things and spends way too much time in front of a computer screen. I also love DVDs, film in general, and playing video games."

Ditto here:) lol and you gotta add up a serious madness for comic book and manga , animes, martial arts, and crazy fun :) lol

I'll check out your work pretty soon:) wanna c wanna c wanna c

FYI, I have added a small picture gallery to my website for those with slow connections. Scroll down to the Overcome section and click on the "Screenshots" link. :D

Nathanael Fuller
Online Portfolio:
Demo Reel: