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HOTEL CHEVALIER (2007) (***)

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Filmed as a short prequel to the feature, THE DARJEELING LIMITED, Wes Anderson's HOTEL CHEVALIER peeks into the troubled romance of two characters. Jack Whitman (Jason Schwartzman, RUSHMORE) has exiled himself in a Paris hotel for weeks. He seems depressed. Then he gets a phone call from the one who put him in this state. His former girlfriend (Natalie Portman, PARIS, JE''TAIME) has found him and wants to drop by. How will Will react to her? How will she treat him?

As a piece on its own, the film is curious at best. It hints at a relationship and its characters, but never gives us concrete answers. Jason desperately wants to make a certain impression and sets the mood to his liking. His ex is rude and flippant about Jason's feelings. He then counters with some stinging words of his own. Some hints are made to why she has returned.But all of this is done in a low key without theatrics. These two people know each other and know what they want too well to let the other get in their way. In context with DARJEELING, the ending curiously swifts. This short film certainly works better with the feature than alone, adding funny winks to that story. But that doesn't diminish its quality as a piece on its own.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks