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Register Now And Save Up To 20% At L!censing 2000 International

The global deal marketplace for the business of licensing takes

center stage in New York City, June 13-15, 2000, with L!CENSING 2000


The global deal marketplace for the business of licensing takes

center stage in New York City, June 13-15, 2000, with L!CENSING 2000

INTERNATIONAL. The program includes L!CENSING University, a far

reaching, comprehensive seminar program covering a variety of

targeted topics that effect the multi-billion dollar, multi-faceted

business. From the basics of licensing to e-commerce, fashion,

sports, toys, teens, music and art, the seminar program brings

together experts to offer insight into the tools necessary to create

successful business strategies. Take part in L!CENSING UNIVERSITY and

be one of the numerous forward thinking attendees to get the right

information at the right time to make the right decisions. For

information, visit
