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Politicians Turning to Web Animation

Though its not new for politicians to us animation in their campaigns, more and more politicians are turning to Web animation to get their message out, according to an AP report.

The often-satirical ads are cheap to produce and have the potential to be spread to many voters quickly over the Net.

A spoof in support of Democrat New York City mayoral candidate Fernando Ferrer just started airing this week and depicts Mayor Michael Bloomberg and President George W. Bush riding a horse as somebody sings "There's one thing for certain, I'll love you until I die." Then Bush kisses Bloomberg's cheek.

Phil Angelides, a Democrat campaigning for California governor in 2006, is running an animation that urges voters to take back their state from Arnold Schwarzenegger's right-wing supporters. The toon takes place on "Schwarzenegger Street" and features a "Cheney Monster" gobbling up the Constitution.

During California's 2003 recall election, columnist and candidate Arianna Huffington commissioned THE HYBRID VERSUS THE HUMMER, a short showing Schwarzenegger's gas-guzzling Hummer wrecking the environment as Bush fills it with gas.

Though Schwarzenegger has been the butt of many of these spoofs, he too has joined the ranks of politicians using animation to get his message out. In support of his ballot initiatives, the Govenator has a short on his website that shows the teacher unions literally shaking money out of the pockets of a school teacher.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
