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Microsoft Unveils Xbox Unplugged At Game Developers Conference

Microsoft Corp. will provide a one-day tutorial on March 19, 2002 called "Xbox Unplugged," at the 16th annual Game Developers Conference (GDC), March 19 - 23, in San Jose, California. This sponsored tutorial is designed for professionals in the business of creating games, but new to the Xbox. The tutorial teaches developers, artists, sound designers and producers the nuts and bolts of Xbox, and explains how to best harness the capabilities of the video game system. Topics will include graphics and audio hardware, Xbox software development, unique Xbox features, online gaming, transitioning from Microsoft Windows to Xbox and content creation. Attendees can expect to get in-depth information about the many components of game creation on the Xbox, from programming issues to production issues. For more information, visit the GDC Website at

Xbox, GameCube, Playstation2. All three of the new gaming consoles those magical devices that have changed the face of gaming yet again have now been released. John Edgar Park sees where the chips are falling.
