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Uploaded our short

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Uploaded our short

Guys, ive uploaded our short here

its been super compressed and we still havent added a few effects or colour corrected.

considering the schedule we might not get a chance to do it anytime soon. ill write a bit more about the film when i get a chance.

i also want to thank Felix Etienne Rocque of Ubisoft for all his help.

i was kinda worried that maybe the message might not come through

i was kinda worried that maybe the message might not come through

How about putting some description of the music this piece is based on. I like it, the piece flowed well.

it was originally meant to be used for a hardrock/rap sound something along the lines of Linkin Park.

the point was to animate half of the song and then use it in repetitions as well as to intersperse with some of the live band.

but the band switched tracks and this didnt work with the one they chose. so we dropped it.

I like it Skinny, makes you think.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

come on. no one else saw it?

my ego is like becoming smaller and smaller

Looked really good Skinny. Is this going to be part of the feature that your studio is working on? Great use of color to set the mood.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

hey Ape.

nope. its not part of the feature (ill have the promo up in a few days) it was actually part of a music video we were working on but then the guys decided to change directions. since we were ready to go we deicded to just continue with the film and leave the editing and soundtrack out.

the whole thing took about 4 weeks to do with pre production and animation.

really really enjoyed working on it.


That was terrific. In so many ways, just well done--story, concept, color.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Good stuff, looking forward to seeing the feature promo.