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Searching for a photoshop plugin.

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Searching for a photoshop plugin.

hi folks.
you all must be knowing about the "smooth" functionality of Flash. but since my kidneys will not fetch me enough for a flash license, i would like to know if any of you know of a PS plugin that offers the same functionality.
basically what i want to do is to sketch some pics and scan them and then make those smooth lineart that only seems to be possible in Flash; like say, at points the outlines get thick, at times they get thin and at all times they make the pic look like some one with a real talent for freehand drew it. :)

it all started with wasting too much time on web comics like VG Cats in which the figures had thick and clean outlines. now i want to make my own comic and so am hunting high and low for the resources....

regards and thanks

PS. its my very first post. do i get a welcome hug?