Tagged With: Syntheyes

VFX for films Headline News

VFX Breakdown Reel: VFX Legion Enhances Bone-Chilling ‘Totally Killer’

The visual effects boutique delivers 170+ shots for Nahnatchka Khan’s horror-comedy, adding visceral impact with invisible effects including CG blood-covered knife blades and digital removal of blood-filled prosthetics; check out the breakdown reel – film now streaming on Prime Video.

VFX for Film Headline News

VFX Legion Shares ‘The Passenger’ Breakdown Reel

Team delivers 60+ shots and digital effects intensifying the high-impact violence throughout the hostage thriller, from the bloody restaurant massacre to the killing spree that follows; now available on streaming platforms.

Going Out on a Digital Limb Headline News

VFX Legion Amps Up the Terror in Lionsgate’s ‘Cobweb‘

The visual effects boutique delivers 225+ shots for the psychological thriller, adding to the tale’s horror with invisible effects, which included a 3D animated spider, digital limb replacements, and CG environments and set extensions.

VFX for Film VFXWorld

Molecule VFX Helps Amazon Prime Achieve a State of ‘Bliss’

By Dan Sarto | Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 12:26pm

Led by VFX supervisor Luke DiTomasso, the studio delivers over 200 shots for director Mike Cahill’s sci-fi thriller about two overlapping worlds, one real, one not, one ugly, one beautiful, and the conspiracy to keep people from finding out the truth.

VFX breakdowns Headline News

VFX Legion Brings on the Nightmares in Amazon Prime’s ‘Black Box’

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, January 21, 2021 at 11:18am

Studio delivers over 200 shots on the latest entry in the ‘Welcome to the Blumhouse’ psychological thriller film anthology; dark story centers on an amnesiac desperate to regain his memory.

Feature Film VFX Headline News

Watch VFX Legion’s ‘Charm City Kings’ VFX Breakdown Reel

Visual effects supervisor James Hattin and producer Nate Smalley led company’s global remote team in creating photorealistic effects for HBO Max’s inner-city coming to age drama.

Technology Headline News

How The Molecule VFX Artists Stay Remotely Connected with Virtual Workstations on AWS

Bicoastal boutique VFX studio turns to cloud-based resources that enable artists to continue working on high-end projects safely at home. 

Previs VFXWorld

Halon Takes On Previs, Postvis and Final VFX for ‘Kong: Skull Island’

Postvis/VFX supervisor Teftt Smith II discusses the Santa Monica studio’s work on nearly 300 shots from previs through final delivery.