‘Strawberry Shortcake’s Perfect Holiday’ animated special is now streaming on Netflix, ‘Strawberry Shortcake’ original micro-form content launches next month on the brand’s YouTube channel, and ‘Girls Tales’ podcast new episode, ‘Strawberry Shortcake and the Winterswirl Storm’ just released December 18.
Kids and family entertainment company WildBrain announced the launch of new “Strawberry Shortcake” brand content in 2024, following the release of its new 3DCG animated Netflix special, Strawberry Shortcake’s Perfect Holiday, now available on the streamer. In addition, a new Strawberry Shortcake original micro-form content (60x15) premieres on the official Strawberry Shortcake YouTube channel January 15.
“It’s such a joy to spread Strawberry Shortcake’s seasonal cheer this holiday with activations and partnerships focused on engaging with fans in ways they love,” said Wildbrain director Franchise Strategy Melissa Goodrich. “These festive collaborations build on an already strong licensing and content program. With the addition of brand-new and original YouTube shorts for audiences to enjoy, and new partners and existing licensees lining up robust product launches for next year, we are set for a very sweet 2024.”
For fairytale and podcast fans, Strawberry Shortcake teamed up this holiday with Starglow Media’s Girl Tales, created by Rebecca Cunningham. Girl Tales is a short story podcast that reimagines fairytales to put empowered girls center stage. The episode “Strawberry Shortcake and the Winterswirl Storm” launched December 18 and builds on WildBrain’s new animated holiday special. It’s the second of four Strawberry Shortcake podcasts inspired by WildBrain’s seasonal Netflix specials. Earlier this fall, Strawberry Shortcake fans were treated to an episode for the brand’s Halloween special. Girl Tales is available across all major podcast platforms.
Source: Wildbrain