In the upcoming animated film, Heidi continues her iconic 140-year female protagonist legacy as she embarks on a thrilling mission to save a lynx in peril; the film hits theaters in 2025.
Studio 100 International has dropped the first official trailer for the upcoming animated feature Heidi – Rescue of the Lynx.
The heartwarming adventure is based on Johanna Spyri’s beloved character Heidi, who first appeared in print in 1880. “The timeless story of resilience, joy, and a deep connection to nature” will make its animated theatrical debut in 2025.
In the upcoming film, Heidi continues her iconic 140-year female protagonist legacy as she embarks on a thrilling mission to save a lynx in peril.
“With Heidi – Rescue of the Lynx, we didn’t want to retell the well-known story, but instead focus on a fresh new adventure that stays true to Heidi’s core values while being adapted to resonate with today’s audiences.” said Thorsten Wegener, Director of Business Operations at Studio 100 International. “With breathtaking visuals, stunning landscapes and a powerful environmental message, the film promises to capture the innocence and joy that have shaped countless childhood memories for generations. With her enduring popularity and international recognition Heidi’s open and free spirit is sure to inspire a new generation of viewers.”
Heidi – Rescue of the Lynx is produced by Studio 100 International, 3 Doubles Producciones, and Hotel Hungaria Animation in association with Studio Isar Animation. Thorsten Wegener acts as producer. Tobias Schwarz (Tarzan II, Anastasia) directs from a script by Rob Sprackling (Gnomeo & Juliet, The Queen’s Corgi).
Studio 100 International is partnering with LEONINE, to bring the film to theaters across Germany, with completion set for early summer 2025.
Check out the official trailer:
Source: Studio 100 International