The show, which serves as prequel to the beloved Netflix series, will run at the Marquis Theatre in 2025 beginning March 28 ahead of opening night on April 22.
Stranger Things: The First Shadow, the stage play which serves as a prequel to the beloved Netflix series, is headed to Broadway. The show first hit the Phoenix Theatre in London late last year; it’s penned by Stranger Things co-executive producer Kate Trefry, based on an original story by Stranger Things creators Matt and Ross Duffer, Jack Thorne (Enola Holmes), and Trefry.
The First Shadow is described as: “Hawkins, 1959: a regular town with regular worries. Young Jim Hopper’s car won’t start, Bob Newby’s sister won’t take his radio show seriously and Joyce Maldonado just wants to graduate and get the hell out of town. When new student Henry Creel arrives, his family finds that a fresh start isn’t so easy … and the shadows of the past have a very long reach. Brought to life by a multi-award-winning creative team, who take theatrical storytelling and stagecraft to a whole new dimension, this gripping new adventure will take you right back to the beginning of the Stranger Things story — and may hold the key to the end.”
Stephen Daldry (Billy Elliot, The Inheritance) will direct the upcoming run, with Justin Martin (Prima Facie) co-directing. Netflix and Sonia Friedman Productions produce. The Duffer Brothers creative produce while Shawn Levy’s 21 Laps Entertainment associate produces.
Miriam Buether serves as set designer, with costume design by Brigitte Reiffenstuel; lighting design by Jon Clark; sound design by Paul Arditti; original music composition, orchestration, arrangements and supervision by D.J. Walde; illusions design & visual effects by Jamie Harrison & Chris Fisher; video design and visual effects by 59 Productions; choreography by Coral Messam; movement direction by Lynne Page; wigs, hair and makeup design by Campbell Young Associates; technical direction by Gary Beestone; and casting by Jim Carnahan.
Stranger Things: The First Shadow will run at the Marquis Theatre in 2025 beginning March 28 ahead of opening night on April 22.