The 2D animated series about a young African girl and her three mystic friends will play at the 2022 Socially Relevant Film Festival in New York - running March 16-20 - and on the festival’s YouTube channel; check out the trailer.
The Adventures of Zizwe, an Africa-based animated series featuring young indigenous women from Zulu, Aboriginal, Mayan, and Celtic backgrounds, has been selected to participate at the 2022 Socially Relevant Film Festival (SRFF), March 16-20 in New York City. The series was created by Robyn Stalson-Johns, an African travel expert and philanthropist and her husband Kevin Johns.
The series follows Zizwe, a young African girl and her three mystic friends, who call upon the ancient wisdom of their elders and embark on a mission to banish dark forces.
“They are able to transform the planet into a place where the freedom and dignity of every person is acknowledged and respected,” noted Stalson-Johns. “This project promises to deliver an exciting new vision of how young people can change our world for the better.”
In addition to playing at the film festival, the webisode will be seen online via the festival’s YouTube channel.
Check out the trailer here:
SRFF’s human interest stories and character-driven films reflect good storytelling as shorts, documentaries, narrative features, web series, children’s films, animation, and scripts in competition.
More information about the series is available here.