"L'Equip de Folimage Studio de Films d'Animation," an exhibition on Folimage studio, the creators of numerous award-winning productions, will be opening at the Annecy Museum this week-end...
"L'Equipée de Folimage Studio de Films d'Animation," an exhibition on Folimage studio, the creators of numerous award-winning productions, will be opening at the Annecy Museum this week-end. The Annecy festival will also present a retrospective of the studio's world-famous work. AWN is pleased to present an exclusive preview of the exhibition, showcasing images from films produced by the studio as well as films by artists in residence at Folimage. An extensive Folimage exhibition will be available in the AWN Gallery Showcase later on this month, complementing the work of renown artists Nag Ansorge, Frédéric Back, Walerian Borowczyk, Richard Condie, Sally Cruickshank, Raimund Krumme, Caroline Leaf, Phil Mulloy, Priit Pärn, Bill Plympton, Georges Schwizgebel and Raoul Servais.
Annecy opens on Monday, June 5! In addition to the 279 films in official selection, Annecy 2000 will present a 10-program retrospective of one century of frame by frame cinema, under the aegis of prestigious animation historian Giannalberto Bendazzi, and a program of the Annecy Grand Prix winners since 1960. AWN is proud to co-host the cocktail party given by the festival in honor of the directors in official selection on Tuesday, June 6. Other events scheduled at the festival include the participation of triple Oscar-winning animator Richard Williams, with a three-day Animation Masterclass on the principles of animation. The MIFA expo will be open June 7-10, 2000, and feature a sizable new technologies area. For more information, visit http://www.annecy.org, call ++ (33.4)., or fax ++ (33.4). AWN's President Ron Diamond, C.O.O Dan Sarto, General Manager Annick Teninge and Editor-In-Chief Heather Kenyon will attend the festival. If you'd like to arrange a meeting with us, please leave a message in our mailboxes at the festival. See you there!