Ahead of the animated series' Season 5, March 2024 debut, the studio drops a one-off fun live-action episode of the cast portraying the show’s various animated characters.
After a four-year hiatus, Warner Bros. Discovery's Rooster Teeth animated series Camp Camp returns to the Rooster Teeth digital platform on March 1. The animated series is a take on Saturday morning cartoons with a late-night Adult Swim twist and follows the campers of the dysfunctional Camp Campbell.
Season 5 returns with more wacky adventures and hijinx of camper mishaps, combatting vengeful, usurping forest animals, and thwarting dictating rival camps in one of the company’s most beloved and sought-after series. Who knows what’s in store for them this season?!
The show follows Cameron Campbell, the absentee dysfunctional summer camp owner and con man; David, an overly optimistic camp counselor… who is just trying his best; and the camp's resident 10-year-old troublemaker, Max, who, along with his group of misfit campers friends struggle to find joy in inane camp activities, such as talent shows, awkward Summer Socials, invasions from the rival summer camps, and the occasional apocalyptic Lovecraftian event.
During its annual convention, Rooster Teeth announced the Season 5 release date in a one-off episode, a fun live-action video of their cast, including Krishna Kumar, Lindsay Jones, and Elizabeth Maxwell, portraying various animated characters from the series.
You can watch it here.
Camp Camp is produced by Rooster Teeth Productions, with Austin Harper as supervising producer. Kerry Shawcross is showrunner, and Ariel LaCroix and Kerry Shawcross are episodic directors. Writers include Eddy Rivas (writing supervisor); Armando Torres; Andrew Rosas; Kerry Shawcross; and Leigh Lahav & Oren Mendez.
Returning cast includes Miles Luna, Shannon McCormick, Maxwell, Kumar, and Yuri Lowenthal.
Source: Rooster Teeth