See how the studio created the show’s iconic, larger than life dragons with a seamless fusion of on-set footage and CG assets, each crafted to embody a distinct personality; the terrifyingly regal and composed Silverwing joins the hunt in the new season.
Rodeo FX delivered 267 shots for the second season of HBO's House of the Dragon, with its contributions extending beyond the creation of stunning environments. All told, with a crew of 621 artists, they worked on 30 sequences, creating 41 assets and 35,516 frames with visual effects. The studio brought to life and animated three iconic dragons: Vermax, Moondancer, and Silverwing. While Vermax and Moondancer made their first appearances in Season 1, Silverwing, one of the largest dragons in Westeros, is a Season 2 newcomer.
The team described the careful crafting of the dragons, each embodying a distinct personality, which were illustrated in their respective scenes. Moondancer displays a more aggressive and “punk-like” attitude, which was especially apparent during the chase sequence in Episode 3. In contrast, Silverwing’s manner, though terrifying, is also regal and composed, as highlighted in the intense scene where Ulf encounters the dragon in a dark cave.
With no real-world counterparts for dragons, the Rodeo FX team delved into extensive research, studying bats, Komodo dragons, and other reptiles to create creatures that felt truly larger than life. Each dragon’s design reflects a complete set of individual traits, including mood, personality, size, weight, and even flight speed, to ensure they felt like authentic inhabitants of Westeros.
The flying sequences were a fusion of on-set footage, where actors performed on a buck, and CG assets developed by studio. A significant challenge for the team was capturing the massive scale of Silverwing, particularly during Ulf's initial encounter with the dragon deep within the Dragon Pit. The team used precise lighting and detailed animation to capture the dragon’s formidable presence, which was on display as it emergers from the darkness of the pit.
In addition to dragons, Rodeo FX also developed key locations, including the iconic Winterfell, the towering Ice Wall - it’s destruction by the team was seen in Season 7 - and King’s Landing, with its monumental landmarks such as the Dragon Pit, the High Sept, and the Red Keep.
Check out Rodeo FX’s breakdown reel for a glimpse at the remarkable magic of VFX:
Source: Rodeo FX