The beloved anime series’ main voice cast, including the voice of Luffy, Mayumi Tanaka, will don their Straw Hats once again in the Netflix adaptation out this year.
Straw Hats stick together! The Los Angeles Anime Expo 2023 featured countless exciting reveals, including news that the original main voice cast for the One Piece anime series will reprise their roles on the Japanese dub of the upcoming live-action adaptation.
The long-awaited live-action series One Piece is based on the hugely popular manga of the same name created by Eiichiro Oda. The series stars Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy; Mackenyu as Roronoa Zoro; Emily Rudd as Nami; Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp; and Taz Skylar as Sanji. Godoy and Skylar will also voice their characters in the Spanish dub.
Also appearing in the series are McKinley Belcher III; Morgan Davies; Aidan Scott; Vincent Regan; Jeff Ward; Craig Fairbrass; Langley Kirkwood; Celeste Loots; Alexander Maniatis; Ilia Isorelýs Paulino; Chioma Umeala; and Steven Ward.
Shueisha, Tomorrow Studios, and Netflix serve as production partners. Matt Owens and Steve Maeda serves as writers, executive producers, and showrunners. Oda, Marty Adelstein, and Becky Clements also executive produce. No word yet on who's handling the VFX.
Accompanying the announcement, Netflix showed a video of Inaki Godoy (live-action Luffy) meeting Mayumi Tanaka (anime Luffy). Watch the adorable clip now:
The live-action series does not yet have a firm release date, but Oda did state in May that the project will not launch until he is "satisfied,” that, “each and every entity involved is working in sync." One Piece, the anime series, is now streaming on Netflix.