The 3DCG animated film, licensed from RMVISTAR, tells the story of the Anacronte and Sorcerers of Evil’s tragic cost to humanity, with only death and grief bringing people together; watch it now on HBO Max.
HBO Max and WarnerMedia OneFifty have acquired the exclusive North American streaming rights from RMVISTAR for the award-winning 3D animated short film Anacronte, now available on HBO Max. The 3DCG animated short film was produced by Mr. Bug Studio, a leading animation and transmedia content studio based in Argentina, in collaboration with Raúl Koler, who wrote the original short story and directs. Emiliano Sette co-directed, executive produced, and oversaw the film adaptation along with Koler.
In the film, humanity faces the Anacronte and the Sorcerers of Evil, who fulfilling their destiny, and without a single drop of emotion, torpedo innocent people with the blow of their arrows. People’s lives are thrown out of joint leaving only death and grief to bring them together.
Watch the trailer:
Anacronte has won 130 awards worldwide and been chosen in official festival selections at more the 300 festivals around the world. Most recently the film won at the 2021 FILMHAUS: Berlin Film + New Media Competition.
“RMVISTAR is once again very pleased to be working with HBO Max and we look forward to our new development endeavor with WarnerMedia OneFifty,” remarked RMVISTAR founder and president Rose Marie Vega. “Anacronte is a wonderful short film that pierces your heart with its beautiful tapestry built upon an amazing universe that the creative team at Mr. Bug has brought to life in their incredibly powerful film sans the spoken word.”.
“This film exemplifies what WarnerMedia OneFifty is all about: It is a powerful, unique, and bold vision from a talented creative team and an innovative filmmaker that perfectly juxtaposes, art, science and culture,” noted Axel Caballero, Head of WarnerMedia OneFifty & Vice President, Artistic and Cultural Innovations.
“Particularly during this difficult year, Anacronte beautifully illustrates universal human hardship,” added Leslie Cohen Senior Vice President, Content Acquisitions for HBO and HBO Max. “This is a mesmerizing and healing film that I am so happy to bring to the HBO Max platform” said
WarnerMedia OneFifty is also developing Anacronte as a multimedia project.
The deal was negotiated by Vega for RMVISTAR and Cohen for HBO. Earlier this year, HBO Max closed a deal for Megamedia Chile’s ISABEL with RMVISTAR in association with MGE Entertainment. The three-part miniseries based on the life of Isabel Allende – the world’s most widely read Spanish-language author and a tireless fighter for human rights – premiered on HBO Max in March.
Source: WarnerMedia OneFifty