Directed Takayuki Hirao, the animated feature is an ode to the power of movies and the joys and heartbreak of the creative process; in partnership with Fathom events, the preview screening comes to theaters nationwide April 27-28.
GKIDS is bringing Pompo the Cinephile to theaters nationwide Wednesday, April 27 (Japanese language) and Thursday, April 28 (English language dubbed). Directed Takayuki Hirao and produced by new animation studio CLAP, the animated feature is an exuberant ode to the power of movies, and the joys and heartbreak of the creative process, as a new director and his team devote their lives to the pursuit of a “masterpiece.”
In Pompo the Cinephile, Pompo is a talented and gutsy producer in “Nyallywood,” the movie-making capital of the world. Although she’s known for B-movies, one day Pompo tells her movie-loving but apprehensive assistant Gene that he will direct her next script: a delicate drama about an aging and tormented creative genius, starring the legendary and Brando-esque actor Martin Braddock, and a young actress seeking her first break. But when the production heads towards chaos, can Gene rise to Pompo’s challenge, and succeed as a first-time director?
The fan preview event is being offered in partnership with Fathom Events. It will be followed by a limited theatrical release in select markets nationwide starting April 29. In addition to the full feature, audiences will view a special introduction from director Hirao, exclusive to the Fathom Events screenings.
Tickets are on sale now at, and participating theater box offices. Theaters and participants are subject to change.
Source: GKIDS