Fox Kids Delivers Cheap Vids

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainmentis flooding the kids home video market with eight new releases priced atU.S. $5.98 (Canadian $7.98) each. The titles being released on April 7 arere-releases of the TV series episodes and vault films: "The Adventures ofRaggedy Ann & Andy: The Mabbit Adventure," "Bobby's World: Roger 'n Me,""Cinderella," "Life With Louie: For Pete's Sake," "Life With Louie: TheMasked Chess Boy," "Snow White" and "The Tick: The Tick vs. Arthur." InJuly, Fox Kids will debut a line of pre-packed, in-store standing displayswith additional short animated videos ranging in price from $5.98 to $9.98each, like: Dr. Seuss sing-along titles "The Cat in the Hat," "Green Eggsand Ham," "The Hoober-Bloob Highway," "The Lorax," "Grinch Night, "TheGrinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat" and "Pontoffel Pock & His Magic Piano,"as well as "Spider-Man," "The Incredible Hulk," "Iron Man," "The FantasticFour," "Garfield" and "Where's Waldo?"

Why this growth in the home video market? Read our extensive coverage onthis aspect of the industry in the November 1997 issue of Animation WorldMagazine.
