The 3DCG animated series features Billie, the Odd-Paw Vet, and her sidekicks, always on call to care for all the ‘oddly’ cute animal hybrids that live in Odd Springs; the first three episodes are now streaming.
Entertainment One (eOne), Hasbro’s global entertainment studio, announced the launch of Odd-Paw Vet, a 3DCG animated series targeting kids ages 2-5. The show features Billie the Odd-Paw Vet and her Odd-Paw sidekicks, Rokz the Dino-Pup, and Nova the Unicorn-Cat, as they explore a world of other Odd-Paw creatures needing help, nurturing, and care.
The first three episodes are now available on the official Odd-Paw Vet YouTube channel, with an additional 40x5’ episodes rolling out weekly.
Odd-Paw Vet transports viewers to the fantastical town of Odd Springs, where super-cute hybrid animals reside, including Kangarafee (giraffe-kangaroo); Barrot (parrot-bear); Mummy and Baby Durtle (turtle-duck); Elefrog (elephant-frog); Pigoodle (pig-poodle); and Drabbit (dragon-rabbit). When the Odd-Paws need help, it’s up to Billie the Odd-Paw vet and her sidekicks to answer the call to care!
“It’s exciting to be among the first to launch a brand-new property in the veterinary play space for young kids on YouTube with Odd-Paw Vet,” said eOne Family Brands president Olivier Dumont. “Being a digital first IP will allow us to test the appetite for these adorable and nurturing characters and learn from the viewing behaviors in real-time, with potential opportunities to expand the storytelling and brand in the future and truly build fandom organically.”
The show is co-created by Emily Mullock and Patrick Baggatta, with Amuse as the production partner. Odd-Paw Vet is from the in-house original digital team behind the hugely successful Peppa Pig Tales and Baby Alive original series on YouTube.
Source: Hasbro