Giddy Up! The popular animated show follows the Cassidy family working their farm and wrangling dinosaurs in 'pre-westoric’ times; produced by Industrial Brothers and Boat Rocker Studios, the show originally debuted on Disney Junior in January 2021.
Dino Ranch rides onto Disney+ U.S. today! Disney’s streamer now features the action-packed preschool series about a family of fast-riding ranchers and their pack of dynamic dinosaurs.
Check out the trailer:
The series follows the Cassidy family as they tackle life in a fantastical, “pre-westoric” setting where dinosaurs roam. As the young explorers learn the ropes, they discover the thrill of ranch life while navigating the great outdoors through unpredictable challenges. They work their farm and dinosaur sanctuary under the big, blue country sky.
The tight-knit family include Ma (Jane), Pa (Bo) and their three adopted kids, Jon, Min, and Miguel. An imaginative world full of adventure, fun, and problem-solving, Dino Ranch celebrates teamwork and friendship as the Cassidy family rounds up, rides, and cares for a lively herd of racing, roaring dinosaurs!
Meet the Cassidy clan:
Produced by Industrial Brothers and Boat Rocker Studios, Dino Ranch premiered in the U.S. on Disney Junior in January 2021. The series is also available on DisneyNOW.
Source: Disney+