The animated family film sequel to 2019’s ‘The Big Trip’ features the voice talents of Pauly Shore and Jesse McCartney.
Featuring the voice talents of Pauly Shore (Biodome) and Jesse McCartney (Alvin and the Chipmunks), the animated family adventure Big Trip 2: Special Delivery arrives on On Demand, Digital and DVD December 27 from Lionsgate.
The Big Trip (2019) took Mic Mic the bear on a journey to return a baby panda to his rightful parents. In the sequel, after his last arduous journey, Mic Mic just wants to relax! Unfortunately, another stork mishap means he must care for an adorable baby grizzly – and bring it all the way to America! As Mic Mic and his zany friends travel by airship, devious vulture Billy tries to sabotage the mission.
Can the brave crew survive a lightning storm, crash-landing, ice flood, snowy avalanche, in addition to Billy’s traps, to bring the cute cub to America, and keep the forest there free from evil’s rule?
Big Trip 2: Special Delivery is directed by Vasiliy Rovenskiy; written by Rovenskiy and Pavel Vinogradov; and produced by Roman Borisevitch, Maxim Rogalskiy, and Rovenskiy.
Check out the trailer!