The 2D animated comedy follows two unhealthy snacks living in a world of organic noshes - with the end of their shelf life in site, the duo sets out to create the best bucket list ever.
Award-winning studio Baboon Animation (Angry Birds, Gigantosaurus) has teamed up with Fonda Snyder and Israeli creators Neta Holzer and Allon Zaslansky to produce Cheez N Nugget: Gone Bad, a 2D slapstick buddy comedy about the unlikely and undying friendship between two fun foods. The series is executive produced by industry veteran Snyder (Storyopolis, Alchemy Ink).
The series follows Cheez and Nugget, two fated best friends living in a food product world where it’s super cool to be fresh, healthy, low-calorie, low-fat, gluten-free, lactose-free, organic, and… well... they are not. One is a stinky cheese ball, a former adorable child star, and Nugget is - well, a Nugget, origins unknown.
When this unlikely pair finds out they share the exact same expiration stamp - they create the best Bucket List ever, determined to do it all! These two will do anything to live every day to the fullest- even if it means leaving a trail of destruction behind them – which happens every time.
Inspired by Snyder and conceptualized by Holzer (animation director) and Zaslansky (writer) and written by the team at Baboon, the series is planned as a 2D animated, 26 x 11 minutes show for kids aged 6-11.
Mike de Seve, Baboon founder and co-creator of Warner Media's slapstick series Taffy said, “When it comes to buddy teams, Cheez n Nugget take the cake. I mean literally in episode six, when they take the cake out to lunch. And out to lunch is really what this show is.”
Added Snyder, “It’s got friendship and heart that leaps off the plate and does a dance in your lap, so make sure not to forget your napkin.”
The show will also be a podcast via Baboon’s new voice company.
Source: Baboon Animation