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Anime Thriller Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade Coming To Theatres

The English-language version of the anime thriller JIN-ROH: THE WOLF BRIGADE will have its theatrical release at New York's Cinema Village on June 22, 2001, at the Varsity Theater in Seattle on June 29, 2001 and nationally throughout the summer. A collaboration between two generations of filmmakers, JIN-ROH marries a hard-hearted script by Momoru Oshii, the internationally acclaimed maker of GHOST IN THE SHELL with the vérité direction of Hiroyuki Okiura, assistant to Oshii on GHOST. JIN-ROH's setting is Tokyo - not the Tokyo of the future, but of an alternate past. In the bizarre, ironic tradition of Philip K. Dick's THE MAN IN THE HIGH CASTLE, JIN-ROH presents a Japan that lost a different Second World War - not to America, but to Nazi Germany. Now, more than ten years after the defeat, the occupation troops have left, but their legacy is this twilight-zone city where the domestic terrorism of "The Sect" plays out in everyday bombings and street battles against the elite armored, helmeted, and red-goggled counter-terrorist unit, the Capital Police. JIN-ROH: THE WOLF BRIGADE is a Viz Films/Tidepoint Pictures/Bandai Visual release.