The 2D animated pixel art film created by Los Angeles-based animator/director Mike Manor, follows new hires Robert and Phil, who must serve customers until one of them dies, now streaming on YouTube.
Adult Swim SMALLS, a program aimed at discovering new talent by working with up-and-coming animators, has uploaded Beantown: Trial by Fire on their YouTube channel. Through SMALLS, animation fans can experience and easily access the work of innovative creators and enjoy original new stories.
The new 2D animated pixel art short follows new hires Robert and Phil, who must serve customers until one of them dies to see who can get hired at minimum wage.
Beantown was created by Mike Manor, a Los Angeles-based animator/director known for his viral pixel art aesthetic and voice acting. He has worked with Thundercat, Flying Lotus, Marc Rebillet, Comedy Central, A Studio Digital and many more.
The voice cast includes Chris Fleming, Rachel Kaly, and Tevin “Mandal” Williams. The original music is composed by Derek Simpson.
Check out Beantown: Trial by Fire now:
Source: Adult Swim