Based on Sony Pictures Animation’s feature film franchise, the show follows a lovable, risk-averse grizzly bear and a fast-talking, ‘act-first, think-later’ deer; currently in production at Brown Bag Films, it’s slated for 2024 launch.
9 Story Media Group announced its new 2D animated comedy series Open Season: Call of Nature (52 x 11’), based on characters from the Sony Pictures Animation animated film franchise. The series premieres on ABC Australia, Wildbrain (Canada), Discovery Kids (Latin America), and France Télévisions in 2024.
The series is created for kids 6-11 and follows best friends Boog, a lovable, risk-averse grizzly bear, and Elliot, a fast-talking, “act-first, think-later” deer. When the pair discover an abandoned summer camp in the middle of nowhere, they embark on a brave and hilarious adventure to create a new place to live where animals get to embrace their inner wild!
Open Season: Call of Nature is produced by 9 Story Media Group’s award-winning animation studio Brown Bag Films (Toronto) and directed by Mark Thornton (Total Drama Island, Corner Gas Animated, True and the Rainbow Kingdom) and Todd Kauffman (Total Drama Island, Corner Gas Animated, Grojband). Alan Keane (Space Chickens in Space, The Oddbods Show) serves as executive story editor. The series is executive produced by Sony Pictures Animation producer Rick Mischel (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs series) along with Vince Commisso, Natalie Osborne, and Blake Tohana for 9 Story.
“Open Season is a classic animated film franchise that has entertained kids all over the world since debuting in 2006,” said Commisso. “We are thrilled to be working with Sony Pictures Animation to bring their beloved characters to new audiences with a brand-new action-packed comedy series.”
9 Story Distribution International has worldwide distribution rights for the series, and 9 Story Brands has worldwide merchandising rights. 9 Story has licensed home entertainment rights in the U.S. and master toy rights worldwide to Sony Pictures Animation.
Source: 9 Story Media Group