World Magazine, Issue 2.10, January 1998
January 1998 Vol. 2, No. 10
Producing Results | Other Articles | The Student Corner | Festivals, Events | Films | Books | Software | Hidden Treasures | News | Desert Island | AWN Comics
Editor's Notebook
Where there is a will, a way can sometimes be created...
Funding Co-Productions: A Complicated But Tasty Recipe
Michael Hirsh explains firsthand the recipe for success that has NELVANA's co-productions filling the airways on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond.
Working the Floor at International Program Markets
Dominic Schreiber relates tips from the pros on how to attend a market and make the most of it for you and your property.
The Unnatural History of Independent Animated Films on 16mm
Once upon a time there was a world without video tape...Karl Cohen takes us back in time to the days when 16mm film reigned.
Plus: A directory of 16mm film rental outlets and short film-acquiring distributors is included as a supplement in the Animation World Network Vault.
A Literary Draw: Storyopolis
Wendy Jackson interviews Fonda Snyder, co-founder of Storyopolis, a unique company which is a symbiosis of a bookstore, art gallery, development think tank and production company.
Liquid Light Studios Says, "Olé!" to Mexico's Pronto
Julie Pesusich, of Liquid Light Studios, discusses the formation of a startup CGI company and their current co-production with Mexican director Jorge Ramirez-Suarez.
The Creation of an Icon: MTV
In a personal memoir, Candy Kugel describes how she and a small team created an icon that would one day take the world by storm.
Writing for Visual Effects: It's the Story
The worlds of live-action and animation are meeting in today's effects-driven blockbusters. Christopher Zack investigates how this is influencing the craft of screenwriting.
Experimental vs. Narrative Films: Do You Have to Choose?
Educators Amy Kravitz, Roger Noake and Rolf Bächler offer points of view regarding the student dilemma of choosing a direction for thesis films. Includes Quicktime movies.
Cartoombria: Anime and Independent Animation
One of Italy's most popular festivals took on a serious subject this year. Chiara Magri offers her insight. This article is available in both English and Italian.
The Digital Video Conference and Exposition in Burbank, California
John Parazette-Tillar takes us to the Digital Video Conference and Exposition, where he leads us through the classes and shows us what's new.
One Divided By Two: An Emotional Equation
Emru Townsend reviews Joyce Borenstein's new film that captures the pain of divorce through children's eyes by using both live-action and animation footage. Includes a Quicktime movie from the film.
Digital Illusion: Entertaining the Future with High Technology
What can we do to gain some much needed perspective on the dizzying worlds of digital entertainment? For starters, there's a book we need to read, says Dan Sarto.
Web Animation Explosion: Headache Relief
AWN webmaster Ged Bauer reviews "the ultimate library of animated web graphics."
The Netherlands Institute for Animation Film
The Netherlands unique institute of art promotes Dutch animated filmmaking on many levels. Erik van Drunen & Mette Peters report.
Animation World News
What a month! Loesch Bids Farewell To Fox, DreamWorks Catches Aardman's Chicken Run, Disney Toons In New, All-Animation Channel and Is the Hanna-Barbera Cartoons Building a Historical Monument?
On A Desert Island With. . . . Producers' Picks
Iain Harvey, Carol Greenwald and Claude Huhardeaux reveal their top ten animated films.
Dirdy Birdy by John Dilworth
Next Issue's Highlights
This Month's Contributors
Cover: Bob & Margaret, a new animated series coming this fall, based on the 1995 Oscar-winning short film Bob's Birthday by Alison Snowden and David Fine. This Canadian/British co-production demonstrates the possibilities for series development of short films. © NELVANA Limited, Inc. and Snowden Fine Productions.
© Animation World Network 1997. All rights reserved. No part of the periodical may be reproduced without the consent of Animation World Network.
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