Hi all,
I'm trying to estimate budget for a 2 minute animated music video / trailer which I'm planning to produce, direct and write.
Here's an example video which shows the quality and the level of complexity I'm after as well as the art style:
Another example for more reference:
Since music is a factor as well, it would be good if you could specify whether that is included in your estimate.
We work in the corporate field, but the examples you have given use the same approach. it looks like the examples are made using photoshop images, with after effects. its on the simpler end, but would still take some time. As a ballpark, in the corporate field, its about 5K per minute, including a source music track. Including, producer, music, design, animation, sound design and rights. However, im sure you could find someone who designs in this style to produce the characters, then find half decent animator to comp it all together. This would be a cheaper option to you.
Miles from
The price of a 2D animated music video depends mainly on the length and style of the video.
There are two major types are:
1. Traditionally animated music videos
2. Cut-Out Animated music videos
Traditionally animated music videos are hand-drawn per frame so this makes it much more expensive and time taking for an animator. The advantages of this style are, its very fluid ( Very High Quality).
Prices of Traditionally animated music videos range from $500 - $1000 per minute. Here are some examples
Cut-Out animated music videos take about half of the time compared to traditionally animated music videos and also have good quality. Nowadays Musicians prefer this Style.
Prices of Cut-Out animated music videos range from $200 - $500 per minute. Here are some examples.
https://rilastudio.com/ Masters at making creative and effective animated videos.