With the Film Festivals of 2017 starting soon we're under some pressure to get this project done within the next 2-3 months. The Pilot has been recorded and has been digitally worked on by two novice animators but we need more help.
The project is called Shadow Legacy a story of a lion who has to fight a darkness that is using humans as pawns to destroy everything the main character loves while fighting a demon dwelling within himself.
The Pilot episode is only ~20 min runtime based on the script alone. Subtitled Sunset, the episode focuses around Shujaa, the series main character's father, as the past comes to haunt him and helps set up the arc for future episodes.
The animation style will be 3D animation using the program Blender
The Series is based of the novel Shadow of a Lion ISBN-13: 978-1517707699 to which we hold the rights.
While this project is currently not-for-profit that could change in the future with subsequent episodes being crowdfunded. Anyone who stay on the project afterwrds will get paid, based on financing. All persons involved in the project will recieve credit on IMDB.com When the site fully posts the project.
If you are interested please contact Matthew Rhodes @
"Until the lion writes his own story; the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter." - African Proverb.